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Policy Research
- 'Responsive
& the Sale of Liquor in NZ
This investigation of
responsive regulation theory and its
application to the Sale of Liquor Act 1989 was project
funded by the NZ Health Research Council after a peer
review process, and was completed in July 1998. This
theoretical perspective had not previously been applied
to alcohol issues. As a result of this work a set of
recommended changes to the legislative will form part of
the Alcohol & Public Health Research Units
contribution to the current review and amendment of the
- The project involved
a review and critique of regulation theories and
debates, focusing on Ayres and Braithwaites
work on responsive regulation'. Current
legislation, case law and available research on
regulatory practices in New Zealand were examined
in the light of insights from the theoretical
work, to identify factors which encourage or act
as a barrier to effective regulation and to
practices directed at encouraging compliance and
reducing alcohol related harm. The three main
areas of focus were the terms of the individual
licence, powers of sanction under the Act, and
community input into licensing decisions. A set
of suggested amendments were present to 12 key
liquor licensing informants for their responses,
and their support for some changes rather than
others shaped the amendments finally recommended
in the report.
- The theoretical work
and the example of its application to liquor
licensing has significance for other areas of
public health concern which are regulated through
- Summary
of Findings
- Recommended Amendments
to the Sale of Liquor Act
- Theoretical Background
- Responses to the Amendment Bill
- The full report of
this project is available on request.
- Hill, L. &
Stewart, L. (1998) Responsive Regulation and
Liquor Licensing in New Zealand
Hill, L. & Stewart, L.
(1998) "Responsive Regulation" Theory and the
Sale of Liquor Act, Social Policy Journal of New
Zealand, 11, 49-65
Hill, L. (1998) Liquor Act
threatened with fatal flaw, New Zealand Local
Government, December, 14-17.
- Researchers: Linda
Hill and Liz Stewart
Peeer review, International
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- Summary of Findings
» The aim of the 1989 Act is to
establish a reasonable system of control over the
sale and supply of liquor to the public with the aim of
contributing to the reduction of liquor abuse, so far as
that can be achieved by legislative means. In this
project, the Alcohol & Public Health Research Unit
has drawn on regulatory theories developed from research
on a wide range of business activities to propose ways in
which that legislative means may be
» The project began with a review
and critique of regulatory theories, in particular the
responsive regulation theories of Ian Ayres
and John Braithwaite (1992). Relevant insights were used
to review legislation, case law and available research on
liquor licensing in New Zealand. This was used to develop
suggested amendments to the Act which were presented to
12 expert informants working at all levels of the
licensing system. Their comments and support for some
approaches and changes but not others are documented in
the full report of the project. Their responses are also
reflected in the Recommended Amendments.
» The Recommended Amendments to the Sale of Liquor Act arising
from this project relate to licence criteria and
conditions; the deletion of a sub-clause limited the
grounds of public objections to new applicants in
existing licensed premises, and a slightly expanded set
of sanctions to given higher profile by presentation in
the Act as a separate clause. These amendments are
recommended as minor changes that can increase the
responsiveness of the licensing system to the
proposal of licensees as well as any concerns raised by
local statutory officers and neighbouring communities.
- Regulation theory
» Regulation theorists have noted
that economic liberalisation and the devolution of state
responsibilities is associated with an increase in state
regulation and industry self regulation of business
» Three models of interaction
between regulators and firms emerge from regulatory
debates: an enforcement model assuming
self-interest and confrontation; a compliance
model assuming cooperation and responsible citizenship,
and an educative model assuming a need for
information and training. Practices reflecting aspects of
these models will be readily identifiable in the field of
licensed hospitality and other areas of public health
» In their Responsive
regulation theory Ayres and Braithwaite identify
key ingredients in cost-effective regulation strategies
that can respond to the needs of both state and industry.
These are:
- firm specific
agreements with negotiated but enforceable
- a hierarchy of
sanctions, to match the degree of infringement,
- a role for the
community in regulatory decisions and in ongoing
» The framework for a
responsive regulation approach is already in
place with the sale of liquor: a liquor licence is
an individual agreement between the state and the seller.
Regulatory theories suggest that licensee involvement in
details about how the law is to be complied on his
premises will increase commitment to compliance.
» Responsive regulation theorists
place high value on the involvement of community groups
in regulatory decision making, and argue that their
watchdog role can help stretch regulatory
resources. In 1996 and 1997 the Liquor Licensing
Authority reported to Parliament that a gap
between planning and licensing and the restrictions of
the present Act leave it unable to decline a licence or
to respond to the genuine and reasonable concerns of
local communities.
Application of theory
to liquor licensing in New Zealand
» Ayres and Braithwaites
strategies above can be related to sections of the Sale
of Liquor Act on:
- the criteria and
conditions under which each licence is granted,
- the right of
objection by members of public to the grant or
renewal of a licence, and
- the Liquor Licensing
Authoritys powers of sanction.
- » A detailed review of these
aspects was undertaken in the light of insights
from responsive regulation theory,
based on case law, available research on
licensing practices and other documentation.
- » This indicated a
similarity between the approaches recommended by
regulatory theory and the informal regulatory
practices being developed at local level.
Conversely, those provisions in the legislation
which the theory suggests could provide the key
mechanisms for responsive regulation
are just those aspects of the licensing system
which are giving rise to most difficulty and
least satisfaction for statutory officers seeking
to enforce the law and encourage high standards
of management in licensed premises.
- » The liquor licence, which
may be granted, varied or cancelled, is both the
basis of regulatory power over the sale of
liquor, and a contractual agreement between the
seller of alcohol and the regulating state.
Licence dispensation is not supported by the
theoretical literature, as it gives away
regulatory power.
- Responsiveness
through licence conditions
» The Act lays down a limited set of
matters that the Liquor Licensing Authority may consider
in granting a licence or setting enforceable conditions
on certain matters (age restrictions, food, hours of
trading). Permitted criteria and conditions are more
limited than in comparable countries.
- » The Recommended Amendments
propose minor additions to existing clauses on
licence criteria and licence conditions. These
would help tailor the licence to a particular
business or address problems related to a
particular site or neighbouring community by
permitting the attachment of an additional
condition specific to the situation.
- » As a licence condition,
this would be legally enforceable in the event of
non-compliance. The licence with conditions
listed is posted where it is visible to the
public and to front line police. Formal
conditions are likely to be carried over to a new
licence, should the premises change hands.
- » Such an additional
condition would be proposed either (i) by the
licensee himself in his application or (ii) in
the course of a public hearing, which is occurs
where an application is opposed by local
statutory officers or by objectors with an
interest greater than the public in
- Licensees
host responsibility policies as a
licence conditions
- » In the licence
application, licensees set out management
policies to ensure liquor is not sold to minors
and intoxicated patrons. Legal commentators have
suggested that these could be made a condition of
the licence under the Act as currently written.
- » In
many areas licensees are also being encouraged or
required to write fuller host
responsibility policies for the management
of their premises. Some recent agreements
negotiated between licensee and neighbours to
resolve a problem are not legally unenforceable
because they cannot be made a formal licence
- » Amendments to clauses 13
and 14 of the Act could allow such agreements and
host responsibility policies to be
considered as part of the licensees
application and attached to the licence.
- Taking account of
neighbouring land use and public objections
- » Many public objections are
dismissed as relating to land use matters, not
liquor licensing. At present, neighbouring land
use is a permitted criteria only in relation to
setting hours of trading.
- » Proposed amendments
including neighbour land use and objections as
criteria for licensing decisions will help close
the current gap between planning
decisions about zones and community concerns
about particular sites. Not infrequently,
practical solutions are suggested which, as an
additional enforceable licence condition, could
satisfy objectors or local officers. Existing
case law sets the parameters of
neighbouring land use and who may
lodge an objection.
- » Reports from local
informants indicate the importance of local
communities bringing matters to the
attention of inspectors and police. This
verifies Ayres and Braithwaites positive
perception of community involvement in regulatory
decision-making and in a monitoring role as a
contributing to cost effective regulation.
- » It is suggested by the
researchers that the credibility of objection
procedures and responsiveness to community
concerns is important to this community
participation, in the same way that licensee
involvement in deciding licence type and
conditions, backed by credible enforcement, is
important to willing compliance to the Sale of
Liquor Act.
- Support for full
rights of objection and local authority policies
» The expert informants supported
full rights of public objection on all occasions on which
the Liquor Licensing Authority and its local statutory
officers consider the grant or renewal of a licence. This
would mean the deletion of clause 10(4) limiting
objections to matters of licensee suitability
when the application is for an existing premises.
»Support was also given to formally
recognising local authority policies on licensing issues,
as part of planning decisions which precede licensing
decisions under the Act.
- Demonstrating
appropriate enforcement
» While cooperation is preferred to
confrontation, Ayres and Braithwaite argue that willing
compliance is increased by occasionally demonstrating an
ability to apply sanctions. They recommend having
sticks of different sizes available to match
infringements of varying seriousness. The more credible
the enforcement process, the less likely that sanctions
will need to be applied, in their view, and the most
cost-effective the regulatory system.
» Informants supported greater
visibility being given to sanctions, and the inclusion of
some actions already within the Authoritys powers
which are being used as informal sanctions. They approved
the increased use of short suspensions since 1996. Local
informants reported favourable responses from licensees
in their area.
- The impact of case
law on licensing decisions
- » The Sale of Liquor Act
allows wide powers of appeal against liquor
licensing decisions. However, the specialist
understanding developed by the Authority,
grounded in the work of its statutory officers,
differs from the legal expertise of the High
Court and legal profession, harnessed by a few
licensees to push the boundaries of
reasonable control over licensed
- » A strong conclusion from
the case law was that the wide powers of review
by higher courts have had a restrictive effect on
the Authoritys interpretation and
enforcement of the Act, its pursuit of policy
objectives, and its ability to support
responsive strategies by local
- » However, the impact of
case law on licensing decisions works through the
way appeals reinforce the restrictive rigidity of
the Act itself. Once written into the
legislation, any change to criteria or conditions
to allow greater responsive would be recognised
and respected by the higher courts.
- Recommended Amendments
to the Sale of Liquor Act
- Responses to the Amendment Bill
- The Bill: Licence criteria and
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