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- Sale
of Liquor Act Amendments
- In 1999 amendments were made to the
Sale of Liquor Act 1989. Following a Review in 1996, a Sale of Liquor
Amendment Bill was introduced to Parliament in 1998. The Justice and Law Select
Committee heard public
submissions and drafted 10 Options
which were voted on by MPs in late July. The changes voted
for were then incorporated into the Bill which
was returned to Parliament for the final vote in August 1999.
In brief, the drinking age was lowered to 18, full
trading on Sundays will now be permitted for pubs/taverns
and off-licences as well as restaurant style premises,
and supermarkets will be about to sell beer as well as
wine. A definition of suitable proof of age includes driver's licences. These changes
came into effect on 1
December 1999.
- Other changes came into efect on 1
April 2000. Unopposed
licence applications can now be granted by
District Licensing Agencies, and there have been
some changes to police and Medical Office of
Health reporting processes . A certified manager
must be present at all times alcohol is sold, and
from a date yet to be announced there will be mandatory raining for managers
on on and off licensed premises (with a
lesser qualification for managers oflicensed clubs).
It is now an offence to breach the conditions of
one's licence. Fines for all offences prosecuted
under the Act were doubled, and a week's
suspension may be awarded instead of or as well
as a fine. (The Authority's powers to vary,
suspend or cancel a licence will be unaffected by
changes to offences which are prosecuted in the
district court.)
- Some other proposals
in the Bill were defeated. The club licence was
retained; licence 'dispensations' and full
devolution of all licensing decisions to District
Licensing Agencies were defeated, as was the
requirement to obtain planning consent before
applying for a licence. . The proposal that would
have permitted alcohol to be sold by any retail
business was also defeated.
- A number of
Supplementary Order Papers, from the Minister of
Justice and from MPs, were presented at the third
reading of the Bill and voted on. Those passed
included increased detail about licensing
processes, greater flexibility in the licence
conditions that may be set in relation to
reducing alcohol abuse, and the addition of
specific prohibition against promotions that
encourage excess drinking.
The final Sale of Liquor
Amendment to the 1989 Act is available from government
bookshops and from the Knowledge Basket website along with other
legislation. Licensees and others in the licensing field
should consider these closely, as well as following
emerging legal commentaries and case law. [See the Amendment Bill here. The Liquor Review report is
published on-line by the Ministry of Justice.]
Although now bypassed by
events, APHRU's response to the original Bill remains available on
this website, for those seeking background research
information on the issues addressed. Also available is APHRU submission to the earlier Liquor Review 1996.
Publication: The
Alcohol Scene in New Zealand by Dr Linda Hill (The Globe,
Issue 1, 2000, pp.6-7) describes the legislative changes introduced by
the Sale of Liquor Amendment Act (1999).
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