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Alcohol and Violence References World Health Organisation (1989) Different Forms of Social Violence, with special reference to the influence of alcohol and other drugs. 15 pp; Casselman, J. & Moorthamer, L. (1988) Violent social behaviour, and alcohol use: Review of the literature. WHO, Geneva. 82 pp Pernanen, I. (1993) Research approaches in the study of alcohol-related violence. Alcohol Health & Research World 17(2): 101-107; Bushman. B.J. & Cooper H.M. (1990) Effects of alcohol on human aggression: An integrative research review. Psychological Bulletin 107(3): 341-354; Parker, R.N. (1997) pers.comm.; Parker, R.N.(1993) The effects of context on alcohol and violence. Alcohol Health & Research World 17(2): 117-122; Parker, R. N. & Rebhun, L-A. (1995) Alcohol and homicide: A deadly combination of two American traditions. State University of New York Press; Fergusson D.M., Lynskey M.T. & Horwood, L.J.(1996) Alcohol misuse and juvenile offending in adolescence. 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