We Provide
Alcohol Policy
Alcohol Policy Issues
- Alcohol
& Public Health Research Unit
(2001) Direct and indirect impacts of alcohol on women's
health. Submission to the Ministry of Women’s Affairs
on the Women’s Health Strategy Discussion Document.
- * Casswell, S. (2001) Science and
policy advocacy, in: Varley, A (ed) Towards a Global Alcohol
Policy: Proceedings of the Global Alcohol Policy Advocacy
Conference, Syracuse, New York, August 2000. London:
Institute of Alcohol Studies. B33
* Hill, L. & Casswell, S. (2001)
Alcohol advertising and sponsorship: Commercial freedom or control in
the public interest? In: Heather, N., Peters, T.J. & Stockwell, T.
(eds.) International Handbook
of Alcohol Dependence and Related Problems, pp.823-846.
Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
* Hill, L., Casswell, S. (2000) Alcohol
advertising and sponsorship. Commercial
Communications – Journal of Advertising and Marketing Policy and
Practice in the European Community, pp 6-11. A126
Hill, L. (2000) The alcohol scene in
New Zealand. The Globe, Issue 1, 6-7. A119
* McCreanor, T., Casswell,
S. and Hill, L. (2000) ICAP and the perils of partnership
(Editorial). Addiction, 95, 179-185. A116
* McCreanor, T., Casswell,
S. and Hill, L. (2000) Perilous partnerships: a reply. Addiction,
95, 196-198. A115
* Casswell, S. (1997) How do
we respond to recreational drug use in the Southern
Hemisphere? (Editorial), Drug and Alcohol Review,
16, 381-382. A92
- * Stewart, L. (1997)
Approaches to preventing alcohol-related
problems: the experience of New Zealand and
Australia, Drug and Alcohol Review, 16,
391-399. A91
- * Casswell, S. (1997)
Public discourse on alcohol. Health Promotion
International, 12, 251-257. A89
- * Casswell, S. (1997) Population
policies on alcohol: are they still appropriate
given that alcohol is good for the
heart? Addiction Supplement.
S81-S90. A82
- * Casswell, S. (1996)
Commentary: Drinking guidelines offer little over
and above the much needed public health policies,
Addiction. 91, 26-29. A77
- * Casswell, S. (1995)
Why it is Helpful to Know the Funding Source.
Commentary on: Playing Fair: Science, Ethics and
Scientific Journals. Addiction, 90,
1317-1318. A72
- * Casswell, S. (1995).
Public Discourse on Alcohol: Implications for
Public Policy. In: Holder, H. & Edwards,
G.(eds) Alcohol and Public Policy: Evidence
and Issues. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- * Casswell, S. (1994).
Moderate Drinking and Population Based Alcohol
Policy. Contemporary Drug Problems, 21, 287-299 A71
- * Casswell, S. (1994).
Funny Insights (letter). Addiction, 89,
762. A66
- * Edwards, G.,
Anderson, P., Babor, T.F., Casswell, S. et
al.(1994) Alcohol Policy and the Public Good (Oxford:
Oxford University Press). B19
- Casswell, S. (1993).
Social and Cultural Alcohol Research in a Free
Market Economy. Kettil Bruun Society for
Social and Epidemiological Research on Alcohol, 16, 29-35. A62
- * Casswell, S. (1993).
Public Discourse on the Benefits of Moderation:
Implications for Alcohol Policy Development. Addiction,
88, 459-465. A53
- * Casswell, S.,
Stewart, L., Duignan, P. (1993) The Negotiation
of New Zealand Alcohol Policy in a Decade of
Stabilized Consumption: The Role of Research. Addiction,
88, supplement, 9S-17S. A50
- * Hawks, D., Stockwell,
T., Casswell S. (1993). Helping Research and
Policy Meet (editorial). Addiction, 88,
supplement, 5S-7S. A55
- * Stewart, L.,
Casswell, S. (1992). Treating Alcohol Problems in
New Zealand: Changes in Policies. Practices and
Perspectives. In: Klingemann, H., Takala, J.,
Hunt, A. (eds). Cure, Care or Control:
Alcoholism Treatment in Sixteen Countries,
New York: SUNY Press.B12
- Casswell S. (1991).
Invited Background Paper Prepared for the World
Health Organisation Expert Meeting on
Alcohol Policies and Programmes. Tokyo, Japan,
2-8 April. R50
- Casswell, S. (1991).
Commentary on: Services Available to Deal with
Problems Faced and Created by Alcohol Abuse, by
Bruce Ritson. Expert Meeting on Negative
Social Consequences of Alcohol Use. Norwegian
Ministry of Health and Social Affairs in
collaboration with the United Nations Office at
the Vienna Centre for Social Development and
Humanitarian Affairs, Oslo, Norway. B14
- * Wyllie, A. (1990).
Drinking, Drunkenness and Implications for
Prevention. In: MacEwan, I. (ed). New
Directions in the Study of Alcohol: Drinking and
Drunkeness. Proceedings of the First
Conference, Paraparaumu Beach, 15-17 February.
Wellington: Alcoholic Liquor Advisory Council.
- * Casswell, S.,
Gilmore, L. (1989). An Evaluated Community Action
Project on Alcohol. Journal of Studies on
Alcohol, 50,339-346. A35
- * Duignan, P.,
Casswell, S. (1988). A Public Policy Focus:
Illustrations from Alcohol Research. Report
on the Conference on Research for Healthy Public
Policy. Alcohol Research Unit, Auckland, New
Zealand: April. R26
- * Stewart, L.,
Casswell, S. (1988). Persuading Parliamentarians:
Advocacy and Lobbying on Alcohol-related Issues. Community
Health Studies, 12, 273-281. A27
- * Casswell, S. (1985).
International Comparisons. Australian
Alcohol/Drug Review, 4,17-22. A15
- * Casswell, S. (1985).
The Organisational Politics of Alcohol Control
Policy. British Journal of Addiction, 80,
357-362. A14
- Casswell, S. (1985).
Comment on Walsh B. and Grant M. Trends in the
Alcohol Trade and Their Effects on Public Health.
World Health Forum, 6, 200-201. A13
- * Ashton, T. (1985).
The Liquor Industry in New Zealand. In: Cavanagh,
J., Clairemonte, F., Room, R. (eds). The World
Alcohol Industry with Special Reference to
Australasia and Oceania. Transnational
Corporations Research Project, Sydney: University
of Sydney. B6
- * Casswell, S.
(1980). Setting Objectives for Drug Control
Policy. New Zealand Medical Journal, 91,
429-432. A1
* indicates refereed
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