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in NZ
Current Issues
- National
Surveys Comparison 1995
& 2000
- Ruth
Habgood, Sally Casswell, Megan Pledger and Krishna Bhatta,
- Alcohol
& Public Health Research Unit, November 2001
- This
report provides a picture of the changes in alcohol use in New
Zealand, from the results of two national surveys, held in 1995
and 2000. The purpose of the current report is to provide
up-to-date national data from 2000 and also to highlight changes
from 1995.
- The
survey provides information on drinking patterns, allowing
consideration of both how often people are drinking and also how
heavy or light their drinking occasions are. It also collects
information on drinking patterns in different drinking locations,
and about enforcement of the drinking laws and behaviour known in
New Zealand as ‘host responsibility’. These data therefore
provide useful feedback on environmental characteristics known to
shape drinking behaviour.
- The
report details age differences separately for men and women, as
age and gender are personal characteristics which predict
different drinking patterns and experience of alcohol-related
- Significant
regional differences and differences by level of urbanisation are
also commented on. Data were also collected from additional Maori
samples and this will be reported separately.
- Availability
- The
changes introduced by the Sale of Liquor Act (1989), which came
into force in April 1990, had created a very liberal alcohol
environment in New Zealand by 1995, the time of the first data
collection. The Act removed any controls on the density of alcohol
outlets and since then the number of on- and off-licensed premises
in New Zealand has increased markedly. Many traditional pubs have
been replaced by smaller, independently owned premises and there
are more licensed cafés and café-bars, particularly in the urban
areas. New off-licenses included supermarkets and
superettes/grocery stores, which were allowed to sell wine from
- Alcohol
availability was also increased by lifting restrictions on hours
of trading, allowing some licensees to operate 24 hours a day.
Late-night trading by nightclub-style premises increased and
premises were able to obtain a ‘supervised’ license
designation allowing the sale of alcohol to 18-19 year olds. Those
aged 18-19 were also able to drink with a meal in restaurants.
‘Alcopops’ or mixed ready-to-drink beverages were introduced
into New Zealand in 1995. In 1995 the purchase of alcohol from
premises such as pubs and taverns whose main business was the sale
of alcohol, was restricted to those aged 20 and over. However, a
number of complex exemptions were in place (including if an older
spouse, parent or guardian was present) leading some to suggest
that the de facto drinking age was 18 years.
- In
1999, between the first and second surveys, the Sale of Liquor Act
was again amended, this time removing any restraints on purchasing
by those aged 18–19 years. This was accompanied by the
establishment in the Act of appropriate age identification, but
there was no mandatory requirement on licensees to ask for I.D. An
additional provision was made for police to give infringement
notices to minors, in or purchasing alcohol from, licensed
premises. The same infringement notice provisions were also
adopted in the Summary Offences Act for those under 18 years
drinking alcohol in a public place. The 1999 Sale of Liquor Act
amendments also allowed the sale of beer (but not spirits) in
supermarkets and the sale of alcohol on Sundays.
- Management
of Drinking Premises
- As
part of the 1989 Sale of Liquor Act, the regulatory framework was
enlarged through a local level of licensing administration and
monitoring, and by provisions in the Act directed at encouraging
healthier drinking environments. The latter included host
responsibility requirements, such as the provision of food and
non-alcoholic beverages by all on-licensed and club premises. The
1999 Sale of Liquor Act amendments also required on-licensed
premises, as a condition of licence, to provide information on, or
assistance with, alternative forms of transport from their
- Management
of the licensed drinking environment has been addressed through
host responsibility training for bar staff and managers, although
this has been non-mandatory.
- There
has also been the development in some parts of the country of more
effective monitoring and enforcement strategies through Liquor
Licensing Liaison Teams and the use of Last Drink Surveys (Stewart
et al, 1993).
- Marketing
- A
major change that occurred in 1992, and has contributed to a
liberal alcohol environment, was the introduction of alcohol brand
advertising in the broadcast media. This led to a 42% increase in
advertising expenditure and a fourfold increase in televised
alcohol advertising in the first three years. Expenditure has
stayed at about the same level since. Liquor producers moved out
of pub ownership to focus on product marketing through chains of
large off-licensed outlets and brand advertising on television.
Some free broadcasting time was made available for
counter-advertising as part of the policy change and this has been
utilised by the Alcohol Advisory Council (ALAC) and the Land
Transport Safety Authority (LTSA). The ratio of
counter-advertising to commercial advertising has, however, been
about 1:10 over the decade.
- Marketing
also takes place in retail outlets. The Sale of Liquor Act
Amendment (1999) makes it an offence to hold promotions that are
intended to, or are likely to, encourage the excessive consumption
of alcohol.
- Drink-driving
- Compulsory
Breath Testing (CBT) had been introduced in April 1993. Alongside
the CBT operations, the LTSA has run advertising campaigns whose
focus is on deterring people from drinking and driving. Graduated
driver licences were introduced in 1998 with all drivers under 20
required to have a lower blood alcohol level than adults.
- Economic
Conditions in New Zealand
- In
1995 the country was experiencing an economic recovery following a
recession in the first part of the decade. In 1995, unemployment
stood at 7.5%. The period between the two surveys was marked by
the Asian economic crisis, but by 2000 economic conditions had
improved and unemployment had fallen to 5.6% (Statistics New
Zealand, 2000a). Consumer confidence was also strong at these
times: the WestpacTrust McDermott Miller Consumer Confidence
Survey (WestpacTrust, 2001) showed relatively high levels of
confidence in both December 1995 and December 2000.
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