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- The views expressed in this
paper are the authors. They do not
necessarily represent Treasury positions.
- June 1996
- Tom Hall, NZ
- The objective of
economic analysis of policy options affecting the
consumption of alcohol, as in the analysis of
other markets, is to understand how to maximise
aggregate utility by efficiently allocating
- Externalities lead to
an inefficient allocation of resources. Drinking
alcohol is associated with negative externalities
(e.g., public health costs) and positive
externalities, notably reduced public health
costs associated with lower incidence of coronary
heart disease (CHD).
- I define "net
externalities" as the sum of negative and
positive externalities. Marginal net
externalities are increasingly negative the more
alcohol is consumed. An exception to this is that
the marginal net externality in the consumption
range of up to about one drink daily (on average)
is positive for individuals who would otherwise
suffer CHD and who do not binge-drink. These
individuals can also reduce their risk of CHD by
other means (for example, by exercise).
- Both negative and,
probably, positive externalities relate to
consumption of absolute alcohol, irrespective of
the beverage (beer, wine, spirits).
- In the presence of
externalities, the uniform excise tax which
maximises aggregate welfare is equal to the
weighted-average across drinkers of their
marginal net externalities of drinking alcohol
consumption at their socially-optimal levels of
consumption, the weights being the price
derivatives of demand of drinkers. That is, the
more a price change affects an individuals
consumption and the more a given change in his
consumption affects the net externalities he
generates, then the more important is that
individual in the calculation of the optimal
- We do not have the
information needed to determine what the optimal
excise should be. However, we do have information
which allows us to determine whether it is likely
that the optimal excise is more or less than the
current excise.
- A conservative
estimate of the annual aggregate net externality
associated with alcohol consumption in New
Zealand is a range of $432 million to $713
million (in March quarter 1996 absolute dollars).
The alcohol excise currently raises about $570
million annually. Thus the current excise on a
unit of alcohol is similar to the estimated
average net externality of a unit of alcohol. To
determine whether the optimal excise is likely to
be higher (lower) than the current excise, we
only need to determine whether the
weighted-average marginal net externality at
drinkers socially-optimal levels of
consumption is likely to be higher (lower) than
the average net externality at current
consumption-levels. To determine this we need to
- the distribution
across drinkers of their marginal net
externalities of alcohol consumption; and
- the weighting to
be applied to each drinkers marginal
net externality of alcohol consumption,
determined by the price elasticity of demand
of drinkers.
- With regard to
weighting, in light of theory and most of the
empirical evidence it is reasonable and indeed
possibly conservative to assume that changes in
consumption in response to a price change are
roughly proportional to the level of alcohol
consumption. Therefore the weighting to be given
to the marginal net externality of heavy drinkers
is far greater than to that of light drinkers.
- The distribution
across drinkers of their marginal net
externalities of alcohol consumption is a
combination of the distribution of the two
elements of net externalities: marginal positive
externalities and marginal negative
- Those who generate a
marginal positive externality by drinking are
those who drink less than about one drink per day
on average (the level at which additional
drinking potentially reduces CHD), who would
otherwise suffer from CHD and who do not
binge-drink. Since these are at most 20 percent
of drinkers, and since they change their absolute
level of consumption very little following price
changes compared with heavy drinkers, they have a
very small weighting (at most about 6 percent) in
the calculation of the weighted-average marginal
net externality of alcohol consumption (i.e.,
the optimal excise). Therefore the only
significant influence on the distribution of
marginal net externalities is the distribution of
marginal negative externalities.
- Marginal negative
externalities (in absolute dollars) are a convex
increasing function of alcohol consumption.
Further, as noted in the preceding paragraph, the
large marginal negative externalities of heavy
drinkers have a considerably greater weight than
the small negative externalities of most light to
moderate drinkers. Thus, at a given consumption
level, the weighted-average marginal negative
externality exceeds, probably considerably, the
average negative externality.
- The current rate of
excise is at a level similar to the average net
externality and is thus less, probably
considerably, than the weighted-average marginal
negative externality at current
consumption levels. This means that the current
excise is too low. An increase in the excise
towards the weighted-average marginal net
externality at the optimal consumption
level, which is also more than the current excise
(the comparison of tlow and t* on
diagram 5 on page 27 illustrates this) will
increase aggregate welfare. In short, this
analysis suggests that the current excise is too
low and current consumption is too high to
maximise societys welfare.
- However, there are
caveats to this conclusion:
- We have almost no
knowledge of what goods or services would be
substituted for alcohol, if a higher excise
on it were imposed: if the basket of
substitutes collectively generate negative
externalities, the net external benefit of
reducing alcohol consumption would be
diminished. However, my subjective judgement
is that it is unlikely that, if other harmful
goods were consumed as substitutes for
alcohol, they would generate negative
externalities on the scale that alcohol does;
- More empirical
research is needed to confirm (or deny) that
the price derivative of demand among drinkers
is roughly proportional to drinking levels.
However, there is much evidence relating the
price of alcohol to overall consumption and
damage levels: the proportionality of the
price derivative of demand to consumption
levels is unlikely to be significantly
incorrect; and if the excise increased,
avoidance may well also increase: this,
rather than the level of weighted marginal
net externalities, is likely to be the
binding constraint on optimal
excise-increases. This is a possible argument
against raising the excise, rather than in
support of lowering it.
- These caveats,
particularly the problem of avoidance, cast doubt
on the conclusion that the excise should be
increased. On the other hand, the assumptions
used in this paper to estimate the externalities
associated with alcohol consumption are
conservative: less conservative assumptions would
reinforce the conclusion that, in the absence of
avoidance, the excise should be increased.
- On
balance, even though there is doubt that the
excise should be increased, the weight of
evidence clearly indicates that it should not be
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